i-Trust Education

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i-Trust Education

  1. About Us
  2. Vision Statement

Vision Statement

‘Together Inspiring Communities’   This statement of intent has been drawn up by the Board of Directors of the Multi-Academy Trust.

i-Trust Education has the highest level of aspiration for all our pupils, and aims to provide them with a world-class education by:
• Being at the heart of, and involved with, each academy’s community.
• Inspiring all to achieve their full potential and to reach for the highest possible standards in all they do.
• Building a range of knowledge, skills and experiences which prepare children for a rapidly changing world in which lifelong learning is essential for success.
• Providing warm, caring and nurturing environments, where all members feel valued, safe and secure, developing self-esteem, mutual respect and tolerance. 

i-Trust Education is committed to improving academic standards and developing community cohesion in all learning communities that we are privileged to work with.

i-Trust Education will work closely and creatively with all our partners to ensure that all academies are good or outstanding with the aim of becoming world-class.

We want each academy to maintain its own unique identity for the special community that it serves. By working together, we strive to create academies that children, parents and colleagues are proud to be a part of.

i-Trust Education embraces partnership working and school-to-school support. We are keen to share our learning and learn from others in this regard so that we can all achieve greater things. 

Working together, we believe that we will all benefit by:
• Developing a collaborative approach to learning and school improvement.
• Supporting a commitment to leadership development and succession planning.
• Providing a clear approach to CPD.
• Sharing expertise, resources and best practice within the Trust.
• Developing a clear strategy for school improvement.
• Maintaining the integrity of each academy’s Local Governing Body, underpinned by a clear scheme of delegation and accountability at all levels.
• Obtaining best value through group procurement and adopting efficient back office processes.

Moral Purpose:
i-Trust Education will ensure that every child within the Trust has the opportunity to reach their full potential. This strong moral purpose is central to the Trust and is the major driver. We will endeavour to standardise procedures where possible but would like each individual academy to maintain their own identity. We will create an effective participative learning community across the Trust so that all children can strive to be the best that they can be.

i-Trust Education will:
• Place people first and foremost.
• Provide high quality, inclusive support to meet the needs of every child.
• Have positive behaviour policies which are implemented consistently by all colleagues.
• Have a relentless and rigorous focus on high quality teaching and learning.
• Rely on strong and positive leadership from all levels of management, including governance.
• Create a positive, orderly and inclusive culture and ethos, characterised by shared aims and values.
• Provide career development opportunities for all colleagues.
• Constantly strive to raise attainment and progress across the Trust.
• Implement a rigorous appraisal / performance management policy.
• Maximise the effectiveness of resource management across the Trust.
• Continuously develop tracking and data analysis across the Trust.
• Develop an inspiring approach to the delivery of the curriculum.
• Create environments which are vibrant, supportive and welcoming.
• Have colleagues who are passionate about all children’s successes.
• Develop a strong pupil voice.
• Place a high priority on the health and well-being of all.
• Have high levels of parental partnership. 

i-Trust Education MAT has a distinctive educational community where high aspirations and quality provision meets the needs of all.

i-Trust Education Governance: 
An Executive Board of trustees has overall strategic responsibility and ultimate accountability for the academies within the Trust.

The role of the Members of the Trust is to hold the trustees to account. The Members have the power to appoint and remove trustees and will review the make-up of the Executive Board on a regular basis.  This will ensure that the Board remains diverse and impartial with the most effective skills set. 

The Executive Board will have a clear focus on standards of attainment and all academy partners contribute to the Trusts strategic direction.